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Top Wallpaper Trends for 2024 to Make a Statement

Blank walls can feel a bit boring. They lack personality and don't scream "wow" when you walk into a room. 

But what if I tell you that you can transform your space with a single design element? 

That’s where wallpapers create their magic!

This year's wallpaper trends are daring you to be different.

From larger-than-life prints to nature-inspired murals prints and innovative textures, there's a statement-making wallpaper waiting to elevate your home's style.

Let’s take a look at the top wallpaper trends that will have your walls singing in 2024.

Trending Wallpaper Ideas for 2024

In this section, you’ll explore the most popular wallpaper trends for 2024 that would liven up your space. So, let’s get started!

  • Oversized Prints

This year, wallpapers have made a grand entrance. Oversized prints are taking centre stage, transforming your walls into a work of art. 

You can choose colossal florals that bloom across entire rooms or geometric patterns that command attention from the moment you walk in.

Oversized prints are impossible to ignore. They create a dramatic focal point and instantly elevate the visual impact of a room. This trend is ideal for making a bold statement in a living room, dining room, or even a daring bedroom.

You can balance the boldness with clean lines and minimal furniture to avoid overwhelming the space. This creates a sense of harmony and prevents the space from feeling visually chaotic.

  • Nature-Inspired Murals

There's a reason why people flock to national parks and lose themselves in the beauty of nature. It has a calming, grounding effect on our souls.

In 2024, this yearning for the outdoors has translated beautifully into the world of interior design with the rise of nature-inspired murals.

Botanical prints are back in a big way, but this time, they're oversized, dramatic, and bursting with life. For example, you can choose wallpapers that feature colourful coral reefs, majestic mountainscapes, sea creatures or serene underwater worlds.

You can channel your inner child with playful woodland creatures like deer, rabbits, and owls. This trend is perfect for nurseries, children's playrooms, or guest bathrooms.

If you are adventurous, you can opt for a jungle print featuring exotic animals peeking from lush foliage.

  • Go Bold

Forget the notion that wallpaper has to be brightly coloured. This year, darkness descends in the best way possible with dramatic black wallpapers. 

From matte black to shimmering metallics, black wallpaper adds instant sophistication and luxury to any space. To create a dramatic ambience, you can also explore other bold colour choices, such as rich jewel tones or deep blues.

Bold orange coloured wallpaper can add a burst of energy and vibrancy to a space, making it ideal for a playful playroom or a creative home office.

When using bold-coloured wallpapers, balance them with lighter furniture and accents to avoid cramming the space. For a calming contrast, choose natural materials like wood or linen.

  • Vintage Vibes

Vintage vibes are making a comeback in a big way, and wallpaper is no exception. From classic patterns to retro colours, a touch of nostalgia is waiting to be incorporated into your home.

You can add the glamour of the roaring twenties with geometric patterns, art deco motifs, floral patterns in funky colours and metallic accents. This trend is perfect for creating a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere in your living room, entryway, or powder room.

You can combine vintage wallpaper with other textured elements like velvet furniture or woven rugs for added depth. 

Velvet furniture in jewel tones or plush armchairs with rolled arms adds luxury reminiscent of the Art Deco period. Woven rugs with geometric patterns or bold colours go nicely with Mid-Century Modern or 70s vibes. 

Chandeliers with crystal accents or sleek mid-century modern lamps can add the finishing touch to your vintage-inspired space.

  • Feeling the Texture

Wallpaper isn't just about patterns and colours anymore. This year, textures are in focus, adding a whole new dimension to your walls. 

From rustic brickwork to smooth marble finishes, metallic accents, or woven grasscloth, textured wallpapers add a unique sensory experience to your space. Textured wallpapers can be used in any room, but they work particularly well in bedrooms.

You can choose the following specific textured wallpaper ideas for different spaces:

Living room: Choose textured wallpaper with a metallic pattern for a touch of glamour or a geometric pattern for a modern vibe.
Bathroom: Explore a water-resistant wallpaper with a subtle stone texture for a spa-like feel.
Kitchen: Choose a textured faux brick finish for an industrial-chic look.

When choosing textured wallpaper, consider the size and scale of the pattern. Larger textures can overwhelm smaller rooms, while smaller textures might get lost in expansive spaces.

Final Word

Wallpaper is back in a big way in 2024, and it's bolder and more exciting than ever before.

Whether you love oversized flowers, calming nature scenes, or vintage glam, you can find a wallpaper that reflects your style. You can go big and bold with oversized prints or dramatic murals. If you prefer something more subtle, textured wallpapers can add dimension to your space. 

Whichever trend you choose, remember to balance bold elements with lighter furniture and accents to create a stylish and cohesive look. Bold wallpaper looks great with simple furniture and natural materials.

With so many amazing options to choose from, wallpaper is a great way to add personality and style to your home.

 So let’s say goodbye to the boring blank walls and follow the wallpaper trends of 2024.

Home decor stylesHome officeHome office designUpcycled home decorWallpaper trends

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